Understanding the Different Levels of SMC Level L
SMC Level L, Special Monthly Compensation, is a compensation to a veteran who, as a result of military service, incurred the loss or loss of use of specific organs or extremities.
Loss, or loss of use (LOU), is described as either an amputation or, having no effective remaining function of an extremity or organ. There are several different levels of the SMC (SMC-K, SMC-L, SMC-Q, etc.) which affect the monthly payment rate. We will review all the levels in subsequent blogs.
SMC Level L
The following conditions qualify for a rating under Level L:
- Amputation of both feet (below the knee)
- Loss of use of both feet (below the knee)
- Amputation of one foot (below the knee) and the loss of use of the other foot
- Amputation of one hand (below the elbow) and one foot (below the knee)
- Loss of use of one hand (below the elbow) and one foot (below the knee)
- Amputation of one foot (below the knee) and the loss of use of one hand
- Amputation of one hand (below the elbow) and the loss of use of one foot
- Blindness in both eyes
- Permanently bedridden
- In regular need of another person to help dress, clean, feed oneself, and use the restroom (aid and attendance)
If you know which SMC level you qualify for, you can look up the exact amount you should be receiving with the VA’s Special Monthly Compensation Rates.
If you have been denied any of your VA benefits you have the right to appeal. The process can be confusing and we are here to help you win your appeal and secure the benefits you deserve. Call our office today at 800-861-7262 for a free consultation or use our secure web email.
We will provide assistance for many types of issues on appeal, including, but not limited to: Dependency Indemnity Compensation, Agent Orange, Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), PTSD, and other mental health issues. Not included are Special Monthly Compensation issues.
This article is for educational and marketing purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship.