C&P Exam

What is a C&P Exam?

Veterans often refer to the Compensation and Pension Examination as the C&P Exam.

If you have applied for VA service-connected disability compensation, you will, after some time, receive a phone call or a letter from the VA asking you to come to a Compensation and Pension exam (C&P exam). Additionally the VA may ask you to report for multiple C&P exams if you have several disabilities. Moreover, this is a routine request.

You will get a notice telling you when and where your medical exam will be. The examiner is usually a physician, a registered nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant. The exam may be conducted at a VA hospital or clinic. Then the doctor writes a report, which goes back to the VA Regional Office where you submitted your application for benefits.

When you go to your Compensation and Pension Exam, it will be different from a regular doctor’s visit because you won’t get prescribed any medicine or given any medical treatment.

If you have a mental health disability, the doctor will ask you questions and have you explain your symptoms. You might be asked to complete some psychological tests. Don’t be alarmed by this; testing is routine and it’s only one part of the exam.

If you have a physical disability, the doctor will examine you, ask you questions, and, if necessary, perform some medical tests.

Have You Been Denied Your VA Disability Benefits?

Have you been denied any of your VA benefits?  Cameron Firm PC has certified Veteran Appeals Lawyers on staff who will fight with you to secure the benefits you deserve. We understand the sacrifices you have made. So call us at 800-861-7262 for a free consultation. Because we are here to help you.

This article is for marketing and educational purposes only.  Consequently, it does not create an attorney-client relationship.


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