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SMC Category K

What is SMC Category K under Special Monthly Compensation?

In addition to Regular VA Disability, SMC Category K gives extra Special Monthly Compensation based solely on the loss of (amputation or removal) or loss of use of a body part or function. Category K can be given even if the condition does not qualify for any other Special Monthly Compensation. The total amount of compensation received, however, cannot be more than  the amount of compensation given for Category L.

The following body parts can be rated under Category K:

  •  Amputation of a hand
  •  Amputation of a foot
  •  Loss of use of a hand
  •  Loss of use of a foot
  •  Physical loss of one eye
  •  Total blindness in one eye to such a degree that the individual only has the ability to perceive light or less
  •  Physical loss of a creative organ, including ovaries, uterus, testicles, etc.
  •  Loss of use of a creative organ
  •  Inability to speak without the help of a prosthesis because of damage to the muscles or nerves that control the voice
  •  Complete deafness in both ears
  •  Loss of use of BOTH buttocks (For “loss of use” in this case, the veteran must be unable to rise to his feet and remained balanced without using his arms or assistance.
  •  Loss of 25% or more of breast tissue in one or both breasts combined, or after radiation treatment to the breast tissues

The current compensation tables can be found here on the VA Web site.


If you have been denied any of your VA benefits you have the right to appeal.  The process can become complicated and overwhelming. We are here to help you win your appeal and secure all the benefits you deserve.  Call our office today at 800-861-7262 for a free consultation or use our secure web email.

We will provide assistance for many types of issues on appeal, including, but not limited to: Dependency Indemnity Compensation, Agent Orange, Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), PTSD, and other mental health issues. Not included are Special Monthly Compensation issues.

We will provide assistance for many types of issues on appeal, including, but not limited to: Dependency Indemnity Compensation, Agent Orange, Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), PTSD, and other mental health issues. Not included are Special Monthly Compensation issues.

This article is for educational and marketing purposes only.  Consequently, it does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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